What Are Your Dentistry Services Worth?

Do you know the value of each new patient that comes into your practice? Are you keeping track of your marketing spend? Do you know the true number of new patients per each marketing source to get the value of each new patient?

Now to take that a step further, you need to then figure out your monthly cost per source to acquire your ROI. Once you have these numbers it will help you to decide what’s working and where you need to improve. Should you need help figuring out what the doctors around you are getting for their dentistry, we can help!

Do you need help getting what you expect out of your dentistry?  The marketing, the technology, and the best lab will allow you to showcase your high-quality dentistry. The proper marketing channels attached to your high value services will help you become an authority in your market and get what you deserve for your treatments.

How is your new patient experience? Does it reflect favorably in your reviews? Are you bringing all your reviews into either a monthly meeting or a morning huddle to either celebrate giving your team the praise they deserve, or course correcting and growing together towards improvement?

Keep in mind that the most successful practices are training DAILY towards excellence!

Don’t delay, let us help you optimize and maximize your potential. Let us know when the best time would be to set up a discovery call to talk about all the ways we can help your practice succeed! We want to make a Dynamic Difference in your practice!