Dental Dynamics Team Boot Camp

Our main goal is to show you how to turn your sales around, break monthly revenue records and learn what it takes to consistently make more than six figures a month. We work with each department to not only train them but help you retain key team members, as the best way to keep your team happy is to reduce their stress and be successful.

Leverage Amy Whitby’s 23+ Years of Experience

Amy Whitby has done everything in her career from assisting dentists during full mouth reconstructions with IV and conscious sedation to running multiple offices generating millions of dollars a year. Believe us when we say she has SEEN IT ALL and knows how to properly motivate, coach, and train your team in all areas of dentistry.

Her goal is to get your team working together, having each department understand how to interact with both each other and the patients to close more high dollar cases. She will also work towards reducing the stress from your day-to-day lives by implementing best practices and proven systems to your practice.

  • 23+ years of experience running highly successful practices
  • Managed multi-million-dollar operations with multiple locations
  • Presented and closed high dollar treatments in excess of $200,000

Marketing Dollars Will Only Take You So Far...

Are you like so many out there where your marketing agency or vendor keeps telling you they are generating large amounts of leads, but for some reason your practice isn’t getting any real new business? We have heard that story time and time again. The truth is marketing only gets you so far. To maximize your ROI, your team needs to be able to confidently walk a patient through the sales process while building value for your services and creating urgency for them to say “YES!” to accept treatment.

In short, it takes a well-trained team “rowing in the same direction” for you to truly achieve your goals and close the amount of high value treatment plans you want. We teach your team how to handle every one of your leads properly and maximize every touch point a patient has with your office to dramatically improve your case acceptance rates.

We Will Help You Grow Your Hygeine Department

Do you wonder what is preventing your hygiene department from averaging a daily production of $1,500 to $3,000 per day? Is your hygiene department educating patients, helping them to understand their oral health needs, moving them to want to accept treatments, and setting the doctors up for success?

Our dental hygiene coaching program is designed to improve your dental hygiene profitability by generating extra income for the life of your practice. It is custom designed for your practice and isn’t a “cookie-cutter” program. Our training is personalized to your team, will teach them the skills they need to get more patients saying yes to additional services, and motivate them to engage with patients on a deeper level to create value for your entire practice.

Hygienist Educating with Model

The Benefits for You and Your Practice Include:

  • Increase case acceptance through individual and departmental training
  • Decrease in open time and lost revenue potential
  • Implementation of hygiene tracking to empower performance
  • Improved behavior, attitude, communication, and selling skills
  • Setting attainable goals that grow over time and improve the team’s “buy-in”
  • Less cancellations and no-show rates with an increase in production
  • Better understanding of patient personality styles and how to interact with them
  • Tools and role-playing training to build rapport and gain trust with patients
  • Continued support for your team (always a phone call away for any challenge)

Developing a stellar hygiene department is one of the best investments you can make as the profitability and return is several hundred percent per year when it is operating at the highest level!

Continuous Daily Training is the Key to Your Success

The best pencils in the world need to be sharpened daily to maintain their edge and so do people. We do this through empowering morning huddles, weekly meetings with role-playing exercises, and celebrating all the wins together. There isn’t a single person on the planet who could not use the on-going help of a professional coach to continue to grow.  It takes a village to turn your practice from the one you dreamed about to becoming a reality, and we want to be the ones to help you get there.

All of our training is done online without the need to disrupt your current schedules. Our core training will:

  • Boost the overall confidence of your team and improve the day-to-day interactions
  • Teach them how to work together to reduce stress and increase treatment acceptance
  • Improve their ability to present treatment plans and financing options the right way
  • Enhance their communication and patient service skills to create rapport and build value
  • Train them on the psychology behind each patient type and how to interact with them
  • Reinforce why “6-star service” is the only way to operate if you want to exceed your goals
Coaching Image

From there we will design personalized plans for each department or individuals based on the wants, needs, and desires of your practice. We use performance sheets, training guides, and offer 1-on-1 sessions to improve your team, help focus their energy, keep everyone accountable, and make them superstars in your office.

Some of What We Do In Each Department:


Front Desk Team

  • Telephone and communication skills
  • Patient screening and scheduling
  • Proper record keeping and software management
  • Managing patient flow and internal marketing initiatives
Treatment Coordinator

Treatment Coordinators

  • Patient psychology and overcoming their objections
  • Presenting treatment plans using proven methodologies
  • Handling financial conversations and arrangements
  • Patient follow up with those who declined treatment
Dental Assistant

Dental Assistants & Hygienists

  • Improving patient education and communication skills
  • Teaching them how to discuss future treatments with patients
  • How to build value and create urgency with patients
  • Enhancing service and care to create more production
Office Manager

Office Managers

  • Improving practice management and implementing best practices
  • Unifying each department to enhance the patient experience and increase sales
  • How to analyze production metrics, reduce collections and increase profitability
  • Strategies to properly hold the team accountable, track their progress and motivate them

Ready to Start Building Your Dream team?

For you to achieve and exceed your expectations it takes a highly trained and motivated team. We know what it takes to operate at a high level and keep patients happily referring everyone they know to your practice. We want to start making real and lasting changes to your business.