Creating Value by Building Trust and Rapport

It really seems like the public is having a hard time placing trust into their doctors as of late.  Make sure you show them that there are still doctors that listen and care about the best interest of the patients. Word of mouth referrals will always be you biggest compliment! Ask yourself… What are you…

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Why the Patient Journey Matters!

What Is the Patient’s Journey? Simply put, the patient’s journey involves every point of contact a patient has with you, your team and your practice. It starts the very first time they see one of your advertisements or are referred to your practice from a friend or family member. It then encompasses everything from the…

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Confused Patients Never Buy

We constantly speak to offices that feel they have the best team, but they often wonder why patients either don’t book an appointment during a phone call or schedule after a treatment plan has been presented. Something happened in their journey and we all know a confused patient never buys… Did the patient get placed…

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