New Year, New Goals!

Believe it or not, it is that time of year again. As we wind down 2022 and start enjoying a well-deserved holiday season, you need to start reflecting about what went right this year and what went wrong.

Look at where you are going to finish this year and ask yourself what do you want to achieve for 2023. The key is to set goals that are realistic and achievable to enroll your team into your beliefs and vision for the practice. Everyone likes to celebrate a win and each one will strengthen your team and keep them motivated to continue growing.

Here are some questions you should be asking yourself:

  1. Is your marketing transparent and the messaging building you up to be an authority in your community?
  2. Are you reviewing and understanding the marketing analytics to ensure the performance is where it should be, or do you need to consider making a change?
  3. Are you refreshing your ads and keeping them relevant so prospective patients see you as THE PLACE to be, instead of just another nameless dentist?
  4. Are you setting and hitting daily/monthly production goals and if not, what is holding you back?
  5. Is your schedule full, manageable, and being handled properly or are some days just a nightmare to get through and you don’t know why?
  6. Is your team being properly motivated and rewarded for a job well done or given the resources/training they need when they are struggling?
  7. Do both you and your team write out goals for each department for the week, month, and/or year and take the time to review why they were or weren’t met?

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that if you aren’t getting the results that you are looking for, then it is time to figure out where you need help. We built this list as they are a few of the key indicators to figure out what is happening in a practice and what is needed to be in place to grow.

This list is just a starting point, and we would like to connect with you further to figure out exactly what’s happening and how we can help you the most. We have ways to help your team with organization, systematization, communication, and everything else they need to enhance your patients journey and experience… leading to more production and happier patients.

Dynamic Difference is the partner you need to make sure your practice is operating to its highest potential and every person in your practice is excelling in their role. All it takes is the right mindset and someone to help keep everyone accountable.

If you would like to hear more about any of our solutions, connect with us sooner rather than later to ensure your 2023 is the best it could possibly be!

Merry Christmas and happy New Year!