Be Thankful, Reflect, and Implement

First off we hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday!

During the month of November, we all like give thanks for our blessings. It is also good time to take a second, step back and reflect about all the great things you and your team achieved this year as we start heading into the homestretch!

Send Final Reminders for Patient Benefits Before the Year Ends…

Now would be a great time to send your patients a final reminder to use their benefits before they lose them. Encourage them to call right away to take care of their dental health. Include attachments like the oral systemic connection to link the connection between their mouth and body. (Feel free to use this document or please reach out to me for more information/useful ideas to send to your patients.)

Let them know if they’re unsure what benefits they have left, your team can assist them in finding out if they connect with your office ASAP before the year runs out.

Also remind your patients that you’re not just focused on “just their teeth” but also on checking for bone density, oral cancers, gum disease, and their overall oral health.

We Can Help You Implement Success!

No one wants to start thinking about 2023 yet, but everyone knows as soon as you blink it will be here. While you have some time this weekend, start thinking about your goals, your team, and what you would like to do different next year. Then think about what support you need to get to where you want to be!

If you are interested, we also offer a complimentary practice evaluation where we will take a deep look into your online presence, public reputation, marketing, website, and more. We will then give you a report card we designed with a personalized treatment plan for your practice designed to get you moving in the right direction.