
How We Grow Your Practice and Help You Deliver Excellence

At Dynamic Difference, we start by working with you to thoroughly evaluate every touch point your practice has with EVERY patient. This process will allow us to come up with the perfect treatment plan for your practice so we can collaboratively start implementing long-lasting positive change. Our main goal is to reduce your stress, set up your team for long-term success, and make your practice the one you always dreamed of.

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Our experience enables us to impart best practices, implement systems that are proven to work, while ensuring your marketing/advertising efforts produce results, and coach your team towards the common goal of making your practice THE PLACE patients want to go to in your area.

We Offer a Wide Range of Services

  • Practice Management & Growth
  • Internal & External Marketing
  • Patient Scheduling & Improving Show Rates
  • Creating Office Branding & Messaging
  • Business Development & Strategizing
  • Support for Your HR & Managers
  • Vetting New Services, Products & Companies
  • Realizing Your Practice's Goals
  • Team Building & Coaching
  • Treatment Planning & Presentation
  • Overcoming Patient Treatment Objections
  • Improving Financing Options & Acceptance
  • How to Hold Team Meetings
  • DISC Profiling & Review
  • In-Office Communications & Record Keeping
  • Implementing Sales Tools & Software

Marketing and Sales

The goal to all marketing efforts is to deliver the right message, to the right person, at the right time. We will work with you, your marketing team, and your treatment/patient coordinators to ensure that dollar spent in your marketing budget is optimized. We have worked with dozens of dental marketing companies over the years and simply know what works and what needs improvement.

We have learned that the magic isn’t always in the advertising, but most practices that are successful in generating new patients understand it is in sales process. Most companies can generate leads for your practice, but we know what software, training, and sales tools your team needs to succeed. We can also work with your current marketing source or take over as your “virtual marketing director” depending on your situation.

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Dental Consulting and Practice Management

We know as a dental practitioner you want to deliver the highest quality care for your patients, but running a practice is usually overwhelming and consumes valuable time which could otherwise be spent on increased production. We work with to establish your goals and put processes in place to empower your practice and realize your vision.

To make sure your practice is operating the way it should, we offer a wide range of services and support to take some of the burden off of you so you can work smarter, not harder. Our focus is on training your team and implementing proven systems to ensure that everyone is working together to reach your goals and enhance the patient experience, resulting in increased treatment acceptance rates.

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Team Training and Coaching

Technology only takes a practice so far… for it excel to the next level it takes an on-going commitment to training and improving your team. We can work with your team to offer departmental training, virtual 1-on-1 coaching for any role, leadership exercises, team building, phone/communication skills, and everything else business related to operate at THE highest level. This will help you close more cases from high-value patients and increase your treatment acceptance.

Once the team is where they should be it will help with everyone’s stress level and will allow the practice to really become everything you know it could be. We really want to be a part of your team, becoming the go-to resource for any challenge that arises in your practice. This will be the key step so you can focus on the dentistry, minimize your stress, and maximize your practice’s success.

Ready to Get Started?

Fill out our contact form to get your free practice evaluation so we can start the process of making a Dynamic Difference for your practice, today. While we gather your information, download our guide on improving your patient's journey.